ruralism$71435$ - translation to german
Online Dictionary

ruralism$71435$ - translation to german

Agrarians; Agrarian utopianism; Agrarian (profession); Agrarianist; Christian agrarian; The agrarians; Ruralism; The Agrarian; The Agrarians; Ruralist; Ruralists
  • [[Emiliano Zapata]] fought in the Mexican Revolution in the name of the Mexican peasants and sought to introduce reforms such as land redistribution.
  • Land League poster
  • As well as sharing similar backgrounds and policies, Nordic agrarian parties share the use of a [[four leaf clover]] as their primary symbol
  • [[Thomas Jefferson]] and his supporters idealised farmers as the citizens that the American Republic should be formed around.

n. Land..., ländlich, landwirtschaftlich, ländlicher Charakter


·noun An equal or equitable division of landed property; the principles or acts of those who favor a redistribution of land.



Agrarianism is a political and social philosophy that has promoted subsistence agriculture, smallholdings, and egalitarianism, with agrarian political parties normally supporting the rights and sustainability of small farmers and poor peasants against the wealthy in society. In highly developed and industrial nations or regions, it can denote use of financial and social incentives for self-sustainability, more community involvement in food production (such as allotment gardens) and smart growth that avoids urban sprawl, and also what many of its advocates contend are risks of human overpopulation; when overpopulation occurs, the available resources become too limited for the entire population to survive comfortably or at all in the long term.